Tuesday 3 April 2012

The death of Pay per Click advertising------ A story of social media today

Pay per Click Advertising is not a strange word to the public, it also named cost per click. PPC is a marketing strategy which means that enterprise pays for some key words in some particular search engines. PPC charge mode uses a pay-per-click system, which is different from the transmission regarding traditional interference type advertisement mode. When the users are searching something, the potential customers can more easily approach the products and services provided by the enterprise (2007).

However, the form of advertisement can not survive for a long time. Then, let’s talk about the reason why it fails in business.

Firstly, it is a short-range measure.

Pay per Click advertising can catch the attention of the customers at beginning; however it is hard for them to maintain the customer during a long period. It can not ignore the power of Internet. To be more precise, customers who tried of this kind of advertisement may share their experiences through Internet and then other people will not notice it any more (Shuen, 2012).

Secondly, the brand of the advertisement does not own high reputation

Generally, the brands choose to make Pay per Click advertising are not famous. Most Pay per Click advertisements aim to grab the customer’s attention in a short time. Besides, the majority of its customers are attracted by the cost rather than the quality of the product (Shuen, 2012).

To conclusion, Pay per Click advertising can not be a long-term deal. If PPC wants to obtain a bigger market, it needs to make a long-term and strategic plan.


Shuen, S. (2012) The Death of Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC). Social media today, [blog] March 20, 2012, Available at: http://socialmediatoday.com/sookie-shuen/473076/death-pay-click-advertising-ppc [Accessed: 31/03/2012].

SouMai (2007) Pay Per Click. [online] Available at: http://www.soumai.net/seo_service/ppc.html [Accessed: 31/03/2012].


  1. After reading your post, I agree with that the future of PPC advertising is not promising. I do not think that people will pay attention to the information in the gadget of the websites. From my perspective, the PPC advertisements can not be trusted as they do not provide real and effective information, which leaves a bad impression on the readers, to some extent; they are not professional enough to catch the eyes of customers. In addition, as you have mentioned, a reputational company do not have to make PPC advertisements because of the brand impact. Therefore, if a business takes advantage of PPC advertising people are inclined to think that the company is not worthy of following and it will not develop further.

  2. This is interesting but still I think that Pay Per Click Advertising is the best ways to promote a business and it is effective even if you don’t have any website. I am also promoting my local traveler’s hostel using this technique and we get super awesome results.

  3. Pay per click is not going anywhere, it is here and it is here to stay.
